Hormonal Changes In Perimenopause
Perimenopause is the transition period leading up to menopause, in which the production of hormones (especially estrogen) by the ovaries decreases. It usually starts in the late 40s or early 50s and can last several years. During this time, women may experience menstrual irregularity, hot flashes, sleep disturbances, mood changes, and other symptoms.
Are you dreading your monthly cycle because you experience gut-wrenching cramps, mood swings, and bloating all the while you are told to “just grin and bear it” and get on with your work and responsibilities?
You might be experiencing other annoying symptoms… like losing hair, making you nervous about styling or even washing your hair regularly.
Sex might be the last thing on your mind (honestly all you want to do is go to sleep), but your lack of interest is starting to cause stress in your relationship.
Or have you gained weight seemingly out of nowhere – in “new places” like your belly, arms or thighs, where you never had weight gain before?
Or, are you feeling tired on a regular basis and using caffeine as a crutch to wake up and get through your day?

If you identify with any of these symptoms, it could be you are experiencing the hormonal changes of perimenopause.
Many women in their 40s and early 50s experience changes in their bodies that are utterly confusing and downright frustrating, because they have no idea they are in perimenopause.
Perimenopause, the transitional period before menopause, is very rarely flagged by your OBGYN as most doctors are not sufficiently trained in hormonal health, so it’s simply not on their radar. Keep reading to learn more about this sometimes difficult phase of life, how to reduce symptoms and whether bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) is right for you.
What Is Perimenopause?
Perimenopause begins once reproductive hormone levels start to decline, typically at some point in women’s 40s although perimenopause may start as early as the late 30’s for some women – also known as “early perimenopause”.
During perimenopause, levels of progesterone start to drop a lot faster than estrogen levels – causing an imbalanced ratio between estrogen and progesterone that causes many of the typical symptoms associated with perimenopause such as menstrual irregularity and symptoms such as weight gain, hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings, hair loss and more.
Eventually, the decline in hormone production leads to the permanent cessation of menstruation, marking the onset of menopause.
While these symptoms are certainly annoying, understanding them is beneficial because it allows you to identify symptoms as hormonal instead of thinking you’re “just stressed or over emotional”.
Once you suspect you might be experiencing hormonal imbalances, there are natural ways to rebalance hormone levels through lifestyle adjustments, supplementation and if warranted, with bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT).

No two women experience perimenopause in the exact same way and it is often hard to identify when the symptoms become too much to handle alone.
If extreme mood swings, unexplained weight gain, insomnia, or joint pain start to become a regular occurrence at any age past 40, then it might be time to see a doctor about your perimenopausal symptoms.
While you may feel like putting it off, seeking medical advice early on can provide some much-needed relief from these little known yet commonly experienced symptoms!
Plus, if you pay attention to your hormones when you are younger, this can completely change your risk for illness as you age.

Choosing A BHRT Provider
Going through perimenopause doesn’t have to be filled with fear and dreading – knowing what to expect and looking out for these first signs is a great way to start.
So if you are suffering from annoying symptoms, it’s a sign to reach out to a hormone expert and explore how you can more effectively restore optimal hormone levels.
Importantly, when choosing a health provider, it’s important to work with a licensed health practitioner with expertise in hormone issues.
When working with clients, our team provides the right guidance for their unique situation. We also examine lifestyle factors that could be unnecessarily draining your natural hormones and provide guidance on natural ways to boost your resilience and longevity.
Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy offers many benefits, so consider signing up for a free consultation so we can answer any questions you may have and explore next steps to restore your hormones so you can look and feel your absolute best.
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